Sunday, September 19, 2021

ES6 (JavaScript) Arrow Functions explain in briefly

Arrow functions have newly introduced a way to write JavaScript code in a shorter way. in javascript, we can write a function in the following way

function myFunction(item){

we are able to write javascript function as following way

const myFunction = function(item){

in arrow function, we can write the following way

const myFunction = (item) => { 

If the function is returning something it can write the following way

The normal way of writing the function

function myFunction(item){
	return "Item is: " + item;

above code can write as follows

const myFunction = function(item){
	return "Item is: " + item;

The above code can write with arrow function

const myFunction = (item) => {return "Item is: " + item;}

if it’s a single line return keyword and brackets can be omitted as follows

const myFunction = item => "Item is: " + item;

See more details in the following link

Code snippets are added using highlight.js . The following blog explains how to add it to the blogger site. 


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