Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How to use Power Automate Object Variable

 As you all know in the power automate you can find the variable type as object in this blog I am explaining how use Power Automate Object Variable

In above figure shows that I have initialize the Object Type variable for configuration the variables for live and development sites keys and URLs. This can be done by separate 4 string type variables also. But then flow would get pretty long with too many variables and it is very hard to read.
For that reason I have created the single object type variable and defined the JSON type object with other variables and then I can use the variable as follows

for example for sdTechnicianKey you can defied as follows


I think you will get to know little knowledge about the Power Automate Object type variable to master it watch the following video of  Reza Dorrani's you tube channel video

Power Automate flow variables - How to use them


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